Humita Negra

Liquid Humic Acid

Leonardit Origin

The pure liquid Humic acid produced by passing through four stages imported from Spain increases the permeability of the soils thanks to the high Humic acid it contains. It increases cation exchange capacity and water retention capacity. It increases the usefulness of plant nutrients. It directly affects plant health by positively affecting the biological activity and soil chemistry in the soil. It does not disappear immediately from the soil like animal manure and other organic fertilizers.

Guaranteed Content W/W

Organic Matter15%
Total (Humic + Fulvic) Acid15%
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O)3%
pH Range10.8 – 12.8


Area, Time and Amount of Usage

In All Greenhouse Vegetables1200- 1500 cc/da
In All Open Field Vegetables1500- 1700 cc/da
In All Winter Vegetables1500- 1700 cc/da
Melon, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Strawberry1500- 1700 cc/da
In All Tuberous Plants1500- 1700 cc/da
Seedlings and Ornamental Plants2200- 2500 cc/da
In All Stone and Pome Fruit Trees and Vineyards80- 100 cc Per Tree 30 cc Per Omca
All Industrial Plants1500- 2000 cc/da
All Field Crops Green Areas1500- 2000 cc/da



  • Keep away from children and food.
  • Never exceed the appropriate dosage rates and use only where necessary.
  • Use Mask, Glove and Glasses during fertilization.
  • Do not use empty packaging for other purposes, dispose of it.

Storage Conditions

Store in its original packaging under normal conditions (in cool and dry places). Do not expose the product to direct sunlight. It maintains its physical and chemical properties for at least three years under normal conditions. Storage Temperature should be between 0°C and +45°C.


Imported Registration (PDF) Local Registration (PDF)