It is a specially formulated product imported from Spain, containing organic matter, seaweed, free amino acids, humic and fulvic acids, trace elements. It is an indispensable plant nutrition product because it provides excellent root development and nutrition. Algas Complex can be applied in all periods of plants. It accelerates cell division. It accelerates the uptake of all fertilizers from the soil, and enables plant nutrients to turn into useful forms. When seed application is made, it increases the germination and eliminates seed loss. It enables plants to move away from stress environments.

The raw materials imported from Spain in its production are carefully selected and produced with unique production techniques and it is the only product that can be used safely in all plants with Copper, Manganese and Zinc deficiency. It contains microelements that the plant needs, which gives the plant a healthy and solid structure. It protects the plant by forming a layer between the robust and diseased cells in the transmission bundles, but also promotes the synthesis of Phytoalexin and phenol and polyphenol production. Thanks to the zinc and manganese it contains with its special chelated formula, it increases flowering in plants and provides an increase in yield. It is involved in many complicated events such as carbohydrate and protein synthesis, and photosynthesis and respiration. It can be easily mixed with most medicines, except for drugs containing heavy metal. In root and leaf applications, it quickly penetrates the plant.

The raw materials imported from Spain in its production are carefully selected and produced with unique production techniques and it is the only product that can be used safely in all plants with Copper, Manganese and Zinc deficiency. It contains microelements that the plant needs, which gives the plant a healthy and solid structure. It protects the plant by forming a layer between the robust and diseased cells in the transmission bundles, but also promotes the synthesis of Phytoalexin and phenol and polyphenol production. Thanks to the zinc and manganese it contains with its special chelated formula, it increases flowering in plants and provides an increase in yield. It is involved in many complicated events such as carbohydrate and protein synthesis, and photosynthesis and respiration. It can be easily mixed with most medicines, except for drugs containing heavy metal. In root and leaf applications, it quickly penetrates the plant.

The pH value of Humita, which is an organic fertilizer imported from Spain, is very low. The whole product is easily taken by the plant as it is completely herbal. Thanks to its low pH, it decreases the pH level in the soil when it is applied regularly through the soil. It can be mixed with all of the plant nutrients and it enables the fertilizers that it is thrown together to be transported to the plants. By providing chlorophyll formation, it allows plants to get a greener color while increasing the respiration and protein synthesis in the plant. It increases the water holding capacity of the soils thanks to the quality of its organic substance. It is suitable for root and leaf application. It increases the effectiveness of the mixture in spraying. Thanks to the high amount of Fulvic acid it contains, it promotes root development in plants. Fulvic acids are more active than humic acids. They play an active role in the transportation of plant nutrients in the soil and the plant, and chelate the plant nutrients. Humita shows its difference because it contains fulvic acid at the rate of 26%, 20% w/w (weight / weight).

Thanks to the trace elements it contains, it increases the chlorophyll synthesis of the plants it is applied to. It promotes flowering and fruit setting in plants. Required for hormonal activities; accelerates the development of plants, helps them grow, promotes flowering and fruit setting. It affects on taking the water into the plant.

It is a highly absorbable Nitrogen-Zinc mixture used in all plants since the beginning of development, especially in the pre-flower period. The need for zinc is especially high at the beginning of development. In this period, when nitrosine is applied, it regulates plant growth due to the nitrogen balance in it. It plays an important role in the revival of green parts and the growing of the places of offshoot. It provides the development of newly formed leaves and flower eyes, the fertilized flowers turn into fruits, the roots grow and develop.

The element that plants need most after nitrogen is potassium. Potasio Plus, which is imported from Spain, is easier and better taken by plants thanks to the EDTA in its content. It does not contain chlorine (Cl) and Sulfate (SO4ion). It regulates the turgor pressure. It prevents water loss and fading in plants. It helps photosynthesis, transport of plant nutrients and photosynthesis products. It increases enzyme activity in plants. Increases protein coverage. Increases the brix (dry matter) ratio of the fruits. Potasio Plus, which can be applied from soil and leaves, is an effective product especially for fruit growth and quality before harvest. Unlike other high nitrogen-containing potassium fertilizers that are detrimental to fruit quality, it contains no nitrogen. At the same time, since it does not contain chlorine and sulfur, it can be easily applied from the leaf and does not cause problems such as stain or premature ripening.

It is a special product imported from Spain, formulated with the high rate of organic matter of NPK and obtained by adding vegetable free amino acids and humic-fulvic acids. Thanks to the fulvic acid it contains, it also increases the intake of other elements in the soil. It meets the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium needs of plants as macro nutrients. It provides a fast intake thanks to its organic substance. It can be applied on both leaves and soil. It is a suitable product for a homogeneous stem, homogeneous flower texture and homogeneous fruit quality in plants.